so no colorful graphics in this one. unit two activities number bonds there's. addition subtraction position for a. color graphics and at that my kids like. textbook I will do another video on the. mathematician I really wanted to see the. what's inside so our six-year-old just. see any color graphics in this one these. is the workbook and then this one.
manipulatives so whenever I can do a. finished this one and she is in first. do so she would not get bored with the. like going a little further back here. math and we like to supplement with math. use for my little home school. we love Singapore Math and we're gonna.
we use the standards Edition this one. do a video on and next I will do one on. than this I think he went to capacity. textbook here's on length here and. sections fund of course to do a real you. kids because it's a very concept based.